Connecting the Dots .gov, .com, .edu.. – Intellectual Capital of The State of Israel – Case Study by IBCM

Intangible Connecting the Dots – .gov, .com, .edu, .. Intellectual Capital of The state of Israel – Case Study by IBCM

I am pleased to release this Research Paper from IBCM a Case Study on Intellectual Capital of The State of Israel. The State of Israel has done exceptionally well in Human Resources utilization for the growth and achievements, that are many, of the country. Countries like India that waste Agricultural Produce in millions of tonnes while millions are languishing in utter poverty and die of hunger, must learn how to use the resources entrusted to their care. In India Human Capital is deliberately undermined with religious animosity fanned to inflame hatred and violence, as a State Policy.   At the same time corruption has gone beyond one’s reach to control, again perpetrators running or rather ruining the country. Connecting the Dots – .gov, .edu, .com, .relg, .pol to .ppl is the need of the hour for every country. That is why this Case Study on Israel’s capabilities is a must-read and follow for all countries in the world, particularly USA that has squandered all the riches with very poor management of Human Resources. This Case Study is available for download at: Israel_IC-Measurement_IBCM.pdf The Case Study has reference to link the Intellectual Capital of The State of Israel 60 Years of Achievements that can be downloaded for study with this Research Paper.

Israel celebrating the 60 Years of Achievements published a paper in 2007 named Intellectual Capital Report stating “The Report highlights Israel’s competitive edge in the international market. The profile of Israel that emerges from this comparative study is clearly one of a nation that is a superior partner for global business and worldwide collaboration. The report also presents Israel as a nation that offers great potential for international investments.“The Report was based on Skandia Model detailing Financial Capital, Intellectual Capital – Process Capital, Renewal & Development Capital, Market Capital and Human Capital. IBCM has critically looked at the Skandia Model and has brought this research paper for your study applying the IBCM principle for your organization that includes Corporate and Government alike.

Extract from the Research Paper – IBCM Case Study: Conclusion: Intangible Connects the dots:


The State of Israel Connecting the dots engages arrival at the National Grid of Intellectual Capital. Intellectual Capital is to be computed for each and every one of the Process Areas, each of which consists of “dots” viz, .com, .gov, .edu etc. The Nation shall optimize its Intellectual Capital with the interaction and support of other bodies be they governmental, academic, non-governmental or other agencies – because no one can live in isolation; this is the reality due to regulatory and other fiscal controls along with the assistance of technological support and initiatives. The IBCM compass realistically brings together every collaborative unit in the ambit of Intellectual Capital. Technological advancement in the area of communication makes it possible to collate data as and when it happens, in real time, as online info for the entire Nation. The entire Intellectual Capital process of connecting the dots would be conveniently viewed online. Keeping a track of what is happening at every phase of operational excellence can only increase the Nation’s competitive edge. Intangible enables connecting all the dots – .com, .gov, .edu, .org, .bank, .agri and equating to .ppl satisfying the three criteria set for the Process Areas.  

The National Grid of Intellectual Capital  


The Three ParametersConnecting the Dots The State of Israel 1. A common measure universally applicable yet uncomplicated and user friendly is that of the Intangible, with so vast a power and compass. The Report under study highlights several indicators to showcase the achievements of The State of Israel: Financial Capital – 9 indicators, Market Capital – 5, Process Capital – 13, Human Capital – 5 and Renewal & Development Capital – 14, totaling 46 indicators. IBCM methodology makes use of 37 indicators with the applied common measure, the Intangible. The common measure, Intangible, enables application of a single standard, which facilitates (a.) comparability between heterogeneous elements, (b.) the drawing of conclusions, (c.) heightened prediction, and (d.) bringing resource owners into accountability for their actions. The Intangible fuses together into a single element indicators used by The Report as its measurement basis that are of disparate scales such as, per capita, numbers-of, percentage-of and so on. These indicators are extracted by The Report from different sources such as IMD World Competitiveness, ISO, Central Bureau of Statistics, OECD, etc. The Intangible connects three different types of measure used for (a.) dimension such as for knowledge transfer, entrepreneurship, (b.) quantum such as GDP growth rates, Patents of Utility and (c.) capability such as in Technology Readiness and Quality of Scientific Institutions.  2. Convergent approach is facilitated by the use of the Intangible in measuring Substance uniformly so that, in contrast to many an economic theory, there is no overlapping disparity between theory and practice. In addition to the 37 indicators analyzed in the Case Study, IBCM’s recommended introduction of UNGC under Human Capital for The State of Israel, is a step towards globalization of standards satisfying different criteria set by different bodies. UNGC, in intellectual currency since the beginning of the millennium thus far has only adherents of about nine thousand companies worldwide who practice the Ten Principles. Bringing more thousands of companies globally under the ambit of UNGC is a task very difficult to accomplish given the divergent approach of GRI in scaling the different activities of multiple organizations. Intangible measuring enables Organizations to adopt UNGC in record time. UNGC is a common charter document for all UN member countries. For The State of Israel to introduce the UNGC into part of its Human Capital evaluation means bringing the Sustainability factors of Leadership to the forefront of its competitive edge. The following news from Davos 2011 highlights this. Group of 54 Companies Makes Historic Commitment to Adopt Ambitious Sustainability Roadmap and Demonstrate Leadership in Tackling Global Challenges.i (Davos / New York, 28 January 2011) – Underscoring the role of business in addressing global threats – from climate change to widespread poverty or humanitarian emergencies – a group of chief executives joined UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in Davos, Switzerland today for the launch of Global Compact LEAD – a new platform created by the UN Global Compact to take environmental, social and governance performance to the next level and set a new benchmark for corporate sustainability. The launch of Global Compact LEAD stresses the key role leading Global Compact participants have already played in advancing corporate responsibility around the world,” said Georg Kell, Executive Director of the UN Global Compact, “at the same time, Global Compact LEAD responds to the critical need for these leaders to scale up their efforts so that we can achieve tangible impact on global challenges.” A convergent approach benefits organizations by freeing them up to focus on getting the job done, achieving targets and performing appropriate activities rather than chasing multiple statistics to prove points of excellence. Sustainability Leadership applied worldwide, not only to industry and technology but to, in particular, Agricultural Productivity enables one to realistically look forward to achieving a tangible impact on global challenges, to the world becoming a better place, to resolving political conflicts, to overcome the need of arms and weaponry as a source of income and thus to eradicate the misery, poverty and hunger around the world. In our opinion, and very simply put, convergence of purpose towards agriculture instead of towards arms and ammunition is the answer to the world’s conflict resolution initiatives. The convergence of approach provides a common uniform strategy for many countries to enhance their Agricultural Productivity, not least for The State of Israel. Intangible measurement and IBCM methodology facilitates many countries keep pace with advanced achievements around the world, making world peace and the happiness index a not completely unrealistic goal.  3. Real-time monitoring is a witness to the unfolding event of Hidden Values of skills and energies. The Intangible is dynamic energy force which has to be seen while in action. The Case Study of the Intellectual Capital of The State of Israel confirms the country’s superiority in matters connected to high Technology. Technology is the nervous system connecting various functions of the whole organizational body, to paint a picture, the feet taking measured steps towards future direction, the brain repository of Intellectual Capital, eyes with intelligent foresight, ears listening to the ground realities while muscular effort collides with Human Capital bringing energy force to reciprocally enliven the body of management. The five Resource Areas join together as a team to perform functions entrusted to its care within the parameters of cost and time. For the top ranking functions the Index of Inactivity, having brought in the energy force constantly, is always zero (0). Jim Hines first dipped under the 10-second barrier for the 100 meters in 1968 for which Usain Bolt lowered the mark to 9.58 in Beijing 40 years later, a ‘marathon’ effort indeed. That’s the competitive edge. The Report under this Case Study conveys that The State of Israel strives to equal the best and improve upon it, continuously, reflecting President John F. Kennedy’s mission statement: Not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.


Jayaraman Rajah Iyer

Download link: Israel_IC-Measurement_IBCM.pdf

Download link: Intellectual Capital of Israel:

Published by jayar

Author - CorporateMOM - Sustainability of Corporate Stability

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