For #CXOs – Corporate and Government – Cost Reduction

How “CREAM™ Report Measuring Sustainability of Profits: Accelerating Corporate Energy in Sustainable State – ACCESS” would help companies and the governments? [CREAM – Corporate Governance, Risk Management, Earnings [P&L, I&E & B/S], Accounting Quality, Management Quality]

1. Sustainability of Profits – Profits are the end results of a sustainable efficiency, whereas sustainable profits depend on sustainable value system.

  • CREAM™ Report is the first ever product to emerge by measuring metaphysical concepts that largely occupy the value system within a company and of managerial decision prowess.

  • CREAM™ Report is measured by Return on Intangible replacing the traditional platform for decision-making – Return on Investment.

2. ex-post-facto to real-time monitoring: CREAM™ Report covers more than 200 major process blocks, converting n-dimensional problems ex-post-facto to n-problems of one-dimension real-time.

3. Identical process blocks: CREAM™ Report is based on a sound theory of Corporate Atomic Structure with an everlasting metrics.

  • an organisation process blocks are sliced into as many open-ended blocks defined by the characteristics of the object, which is inanimate and have same Nature.

  • Each process block is manned by 5 categories of people. 1 owning Ethical responsibility and the rest 4 four dimensions of Fiscal responsibility.

4. Subject-Object distinction of Qualitative and Quantitative elements of Management: People are the subject and is the only resource of an organisation.

  • Object is inanimate that could be a policy document, an IPR or musical notes. Object is the result of a creative process that determines its Quality.

  • Subject moves an Object as in an Orchestra. Symphony is governance, cacophony is due to governance-deficit.

5. Return on Intangible: Subject is set to act – during the creative process for creating a substance and during action process to move the created substance from one space to the other.

  • There are 6 stages of development during the creative process and same 6 stages during action process.

  • The 6 stages of development during creative process is same for the resultant man-made or natural object.

  • Action process is unique to the quality of the substance.

  • In each stage there is linear advancement the result of action taken. Action or inaction is the numerator while the denominator is the human effort or Intangible. Intangible is the energy force and is always 1. Numerator is either 1 or 0, indicating Return on Intangible.

6. Project Management: Denominator being the same for every task assigned, with same process blocks for each project, projects for each entity be it for a corporate or a nation, the progress status is available at any time by a CREAM™ Report.

  • Each process block is rated. Collective rating representing the status is the Return on Intangible – i.e. 0-5 representing corporate rating or country rating with 5 @ 100%.

7. CREAM™ Report compresses data at the root level, enabling better performance with real cost reduction.

8. Once CREAM™ Report is created, annual budgeting is superfluous replaced by target status in real-time.

for further Info:

Contact: Jayaraman Rajah Iyer,, +919869972349

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Published by jayar

Author - CorporateMOM - Sustainability of Corporate Stability

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