Podcast #62 -Rebuild Sri Rama Setu, Multiply Ramanathapuram GDDP

corporate look into the opportunities in districts that are 806 in total, in India. AI must look into the abandoned districts of India, not just the giant companies. Mission 2047 for $20 trillion is not replicating the current companies. New faces would emerge, mainly from the districts. 

Podcast #61 – Action plan 2030 District-wise GDDP build-up

Individuals can influence their MPs and should leverage the District Development Plans implemented. There are 543 MPs and 806 Districts to be cared for.

Podcast Episode 60 – Action plan GDP in India 2047 – State-wise GSDP build-up – CorporateMOM

Vincent Van Gogh, “If I am worth anything later, I am worth something now. For wheat is wheat, even if people think it is a grass in the beginning.” My theme for 2024 is ‘unleashing other people’s energy’.  Here I state, that India’s economy will see accelerated growth from 2024 to 2030 to 2047, but this requires unleashing the energy of all employees. That’s the theme.

Podcast Episode 59 – Kickstart Budgeting 2024-25 2030-31 2047-48 Now, Now, Now. CorporateMOM

Beware the ides of March: This time of the year, companies frantically try to reach targets set a year earlier. CorporateMOM looks at the futility of our budgeting exercise that truly had stunted our growth. Looking ahead “Kickstart Budgeting 2024-25, 2030-31, 2047-48 Now, Now, Now”, is what CorporateMOM calls for a complete change in the Annual Budgeting we do.

Podcast Episode 58 – Deriving Everlasting Corporate Metrics and Benchmarks, CorporateMOM

We are all on the debit and credit Organization structure. To make it dynamic we require a different structure. I’m giving here the Six Limbs and Four Auxiliary Limbs of a Corporate Body, which is the Organization structure that gives a corporate body the human form.

Podcast Episode 57 – Dynamic GDP – GNH – Database Systems, CorporateMOM

Establishing a Dynamic  GDP – GNH Database System.
A lot of changes need to be made in our statistical data collection and presentation. I recommend statistical data that gets added of a single farmer’s produce to the FAO stats for a country, on the go, Daily.

Podcast Episode 56 – ERP is passé. Embrace EPP- Effort per Person – CorporateMOM

Two compelling reasons I bring to Society to be aware of the solutions I offer. 1. Break the current ecosystem, [I call it an ego-system] and 2. fuel the energy force for the SOS Plane to take off.

Podcast Episode 55 – Company SOS Governance Ratings – CorporateMOM

The future of companies depends on these SOS Governance Ratings. Do not limit your ERP to just quantitative expand to include qualitative elements, SOS Governance ratings System enables.

Podcast Episode 54 – Constructive Collaboration – CorporateMOM with a GE Case Study

Is an interesting analytics offering solution to the first question I raised: what steps  GE has taken internally since KPMG as Auditors had been replaced?

Podcast Episode 53 – CorporateMOM Constructive Collaboration – Project ELITE

Episode 53
CorporateMOM Constructive Collaboration – Project ELITE,
Education, Learning, Implementation, Training and Execution. Transcript: https://ibcm.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Transcript-Constructive-Collaboration-Project-ELITE.pdf